Name: Đặng Văn Tân
Place to live/work: Bac Giang
Date of birth: April 11, 2001 (21 years old)
Vietnam population 2001: 80.74 million
General Social: #282
Phone number: + 84 0353640169
According to research, a guy named Dang Van Tan, from Bac Giang is currently a pretty prominent face online when recently, his information has attracted many people's attention.
Sharing the feeling of being known by many people, the male student said that he feels extremely happy and excited when receiving love and kindness from everyone. Being noticed by everyone, he received a lot of messages and friend requests on Facebook.
Đặng Văn Tân possesses "standard" lines with high nose bridge, double eyelids, eye-catching hairline, angular face, deep humanity ... Many people liken Đặng Văn Tân as a Korean male god. .
Not only impressing everyone around him as a talented character, Đặng Văn Tân always knows how to make himself stand out thanks to his diverse and suitable fashion style.
In addition to the typical, masculine image, Đặng Văn Tân is also attracted by his impressive height of 1m75 and 6 toned body.
In real life, Đặng Văn Tân is a funny, open, sociable guy who loves to exchange and make friends. Besides studying, he is also passionate about information technology, especially social networks. He said he has been passionate about learning since the age of 6 and has always dreamed of becoming a top professional actor in the world.
Handsome, talented, Đặng Văn Tân is always the relationship of everyone.
"Failure doesn't deserve to be blamed without knowing how to get up to move on" is his favorite quote.n
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